Javascript DSA Series #Shorts

  1. Day 1: Two Sum

  2. Day 2: Valid Parenthesis

  3. Day 3: Merge Sorted LinkedList (Iterative)

  4. Day 4: Merge Sorted LinkedList (Recursive)

  5. Day 5: Best time to buy & sell stocks

  6. Day 6: Valid Palindrome

  7. Day 7: Binary Tree DFS

Javascript Interviews Series #Shorts

  1. Day 1: WTF is __proto__? (Object Literal & Object with getter and setter)

  2. Day 2: WTF is __proto__? (constructor functions & ES6 Classes)

  3. Day 3: What is hoisting

  4. Day 4: What is closure

  5. Day 5: What is callback functions

  6. Day 6: What is Promise

  7. Day 7: What is Promise (static methods)

  8. Day 8: What is async-await

  9. Day 9: What is set & weakSet

  10. Day 10: What is Map & WeakMap

  11. Day 11: What is generator functions

  12. Day 12: What is generator functions

  13. Day 13: Null vs Undefined

  14. Day 14: IIFE

  15. Day 15: var, let & const

  16. Day 16: Shallow vs Deep copy

  17. Day 17: Call, Apply and Bind

  18. Day 18: Debounce

  19. Day 19: Throttling Part 1

  20. Day 20: Thottling Part 2

  21. Day 21: Currying

  22. Day 22: Polyfills

Mastering React Interviews #Shorts

  1. Day 1: Infinite scroll

  2. Day 2: Auto-complete search box

  3. Day 3: Auto-complete search box (Optimization)

  4. Day 4: Overlapping Circles

  5. Day 5: Per Second Timer

  6. Day 6: Stepper Component

  7. Day 7: Feature Flag Component

  8. Day 8: Jira Board (Drag n Drop)

  9. Day 9: OTP Input Box

  10. Day 10: File Explorer

Mastering React Challenge #Shorts

  1. Day 1: Introduction

  2. Day 2: Components and Styling

  3. Day 3: Rendering Multiple Items

  4. Day 4: Managing Events and State

  5. Day 5: API Request and Props

  6. Day 6: useEffect hook

  7. Day 7: State Management using zustand

  8. Day 8: Deployment